Current Graduate Students
  Name: Muhammad Adnan Shahid
Current Position: Graduate Student, Department of Economics, University of New Mexico
PhD year expected:
  Name: Mohammad Mashiur Rahman
Current Position: Graduate Student, Department of Economics, University of New Mexico
PhD year expected: Fall 2020
Dissertation: Estimating the preference for a better solid waste management system.
Name: Mandy Liu
Current Position: Graduate Student, Department of Economics, Univcersity of New Mexico
PhD year expected: Spring 2020
Dissertation: Stronger Transition: Coping Strategies with Natural Disasters and Health-economic Investment for Adolescents in Developing Countries
Name: Aakrit Joshi
Current Position: Graduate Student, Department of Economics, University of New Mexico
PhD year expected: Spring 2020
Dissertation: Understanding smoking and smokeless tobacco usage
Name: Disha Shende
Current Position: Graduate Student, Department of Economics, University of New Mexico
PhD year expected: Summer 2020
Dissertation: Can social network help improving the emotional health of cancer patients? A study from Nepal
Name: Siobhan Yilmaz
Current Position: Graduate Student, Department of Economics, University of New Mexico
PhD year expected: May 2020
Dissertation: Adolescent Mental Health in the Developing World: Economic Analyses of Stressors, Support & Coping Mechanisms.
  Name: Niraj Khatiwada
Current Position: Graduate Student, Department of Economics, University of New Mexico; ICIMOD Doctoral Fellow
PhD year expected:
Dissertation: Estimating the public preference for air quality improvement and understanding the health effects of exposure to air pollution.
Name: Soumyajit Chakraborty
Current Position: Ph.D. Candidate and Instructor, Dept. of Economics, UNM; Research Assistant, UNM School of Medicine
PhD year expected: Spring 2020
Dissertation: Three Essays on Human Capital

Name: Thaneshwar paneru
Current Position: Graduate Student, Department of Economics, University of New Mexico
PhD year expected: May 2022

Past Graduate Students
Name: José Bucheli
Current Position/Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, New Mexico State University
PhD year: Summer 2019
Dissertaton: Migration, return migration, and economic development in latin America
Name: Kristina Piorkowski
Current Position/Affiliation: Presbyterian Hospital
PhD year: Spring 2019
Dissertaton: Understanding adn modifying health behaviors

Name: Soumi Roy Chowdhury
Current Position: Natioanl Council for Applied Economic Researc (NCAER), India
PhD year: Spring 2019
Dissertaton: An analysis of socio-economic consequences of cancer in Nepal

Name: Samrat Kunwar
Current Position: Assistant Professor, College of St. Benedict and St. Johns University
PhD year: Spring 2019
Disseration: Freshwater conservation, drinking water quality, and climate change adaptation: a case study of Nepal

Name: Veeshan  Rayamajhee 
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Departement of Economics, North Dakota State University
PhD year: Spring 2019
Disseration: Ostronomian lessons for post-disaster resilience: Evidence from 2015 earthquake in Nepal

Name: Wenmei Guo
PhD year: May 2015
Dissertation: “Climate Change, Poverty, and Household Food Security in Rural Nepal”
Name: Menuka Karki
Current Position/Affiliation: Visiting Assistant Professor, Departemtn of Economics and Finance, Louisiana Tech University
PhD year : May 2015
Dissertation: “Towards Reaching Sustainable Urban Development in the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal: An Economic Analysis of Solid Waste Management, Recycling, and the Health Impacts of Air Pollution”
Name: Robby Fonner
Current Position/Affiliation: Economist, NOAA Fisheries
PhD year: 2014
Dissertation: Examining the influence of landscape on natural resource management in the american west: a geospatial approach


Name: Naresh Nepal
Current Position: Research Scientist , Health Science Center
PhD year: 2014
Dissertation: " A Geospatial Approach to Wildlife and Wilderness Management"

Name: Steven J. Archambault
Current Position/Affiliation: Assistant Professor Department of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business, New Mexico State University
PhD year: 2012
Dissertation: “Food Security: Resiliency and Intervention”

Name: Nafisa Halim
Current Position/Affiliation: Assistant (Research) Professor, Department of Global Health, Boston University.
PhD year: 2010
Nafisa Halim, MA, PhD is an applied sociologist with research interests in the determinants and consequences of human capital formation (early childhood development, education, health, nutrition) among women, children and adolescents and program evaluation. Halim’s current research examines the associations between women’s political empowerment and gender-gaps in primary education in India, parental access to credit market and child growth in India, Vietnam, Peru and Ethiopia, and cash transfer program participation and female secondary education in Bangladesh. Halim has consulted with the World Health Organization, and served as a co-Investigator on research projects funded by the National Institutes of Health, the United States Agency for International Development, and private foundations. Halim’s research has been published in Demography, Population Research and Policy Review, Social Science & Medicine, Health Policy and Planning, Journal of International Development, Environment and Development Economics, Social Science Quarterly, and Social Science Research. Halim received her postdoctoral training in Social Demography at Emory University, and a Ph.D. in Sociology and M.A.s in Sociology and Economics from the University of New Mexico.


Name: Hari Katuwal
Current Position/Affiliation: Post-Doc, College of Forestry and Conservation, University of Montana
PhD year: 2012
Dissertation: “Demand for water quality: empirical evidence from a knowledge, attitude, behavior, and choice experiment survey about the Bagmati river in Kathmandu, Nepal”

  Name: James Ian Price
Current Position:
PhD year: 2012
Dissertation: " Responding to Natural Hazards: The Effects of Disaster on Residential Location Decisions and Health Outcomes"
  Name: Bishwa S. Koirala
Current Position/Affiliation: Director of Economic and Business Research Center and Assistant professor at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Pembroke
PhD year: 2010
Dissertation: Measuring effects of climate change and energy efficiency regulations in US households
Research concentration: Current research is in the area of applied economics, environmental and natural resources economics, non-market valuation, ecosystem analysis and valuation, renewable energy technology, agricultural productivity, energy policy, climate impact analysis and environmental Kuznet curve analysis. Current ongoing research in Nepal is natural calamities and welfare loss in Kohsi River Basin in Nepal. Research articles are available
Name: Mani Nepal
Current Position : Research Programme Manager, SANDEE
PhD year : 2007
Dissertation: "Poverty, inequality, violent conflict, and welfare loss : micro-level evidence from Nepal"
  Name: Michael Milligan
Current Position:
PhD year: 2009
Dissertation: "The Welfare Effects of International Remittance Income"