People2People Tele-microfinance: democratizing access to a worldwide microfinance movement |
Peer-to-Peer tele-lending:
Pioneers like the Grameen didn't bring people to a bank, they brought a bank to the people. This simple yet most powerful reorientation empowered millions of poor by making them entrepreneurs by providing loans without requiring any collateral. Kiva pushed that idea one step further by creating a web-based global village of lenders and aspiring entrepreneurs.
Microfinance institutions around the world post up profiles of qualified local entrepreneurs online on Kiva's website (www.kiva.org). Lenders can then browse and choose an entrepreneur they wish to fund. Kiva aggregates loan capital from individual lenders and transfers it to MFI partners to disburse and administer. As loan repayments are made by the entrepreneur, the MFI remits funds back to Kiva. Once the loan is fully repaid, Kiva lenders can withdraw their principal or re-loan it to another entrepreneur (source: wkpd.).
Kiva.org is a not-for-profit peer-to-peer lender. It connects lenders in developed markets with low-income entrepreneurs in developing countries who need loans for their small businesses.
Small Loans That Change Lives
A little help from you can go a long way for a small scale Nepali entrepreneur. If you have got even $25, you can point and click and make a difference by becoming a part of a global village promoting sustainable microdevelopment in Nepal.
Kiva's link with profiles of Nepali entrepreneurs in needs of your small loans
Nepal > Patan Business and Professional Women
Plese click this link to help women small businees entreprenuers of Nepal through Kiva, a San Fransico based organization dedicated in helping the poor and the vulnerables of the world. |
Few words of appreciation for NSC's effort to bring kiva.org to Nepal:
Congratulations. You should be very proud that had it not been for your
efforts and persistence -we would not have KIVA today in Nepal.
Martin Ravin, Colorado
(October 8, 2007)
Thank you very much for all of your help here, I hope you understand the depth of our gratitude for all that you are doing.
Ben Elberger
San Francisco
(October 8, 2007)
I look forward to working with you in our efforts to get entrepreneurs from Nepal profiled (and their businesses supported) on Kiva. Thank you for all that you have done to make this happen.
Asawari RaoRane Agrawal
Microfinance Partnerships Manager
Loans that Change Lives
(October 8, 2007)
Press Release, October 8, 2007
People To People microfinance comes to Nepal: Kiva.org - Loans that Change Lives
Rated one of the best among the microfinance lenders in Slate magazine, Kiva.org has created a sensation in the world of microfinance. Based out of San Francisco, Kiva.org works with microfinance institutions (MFIs) around the world. Kiva.org’s partner MFIs post business profiles of their clients on Kiva.org's website thus enabling individuals anywhere in the world to lend directly to these micro-entrepreneurs. As a result of months of hard work by many people in Nepal and the support of the US diaspora members and the organization like ANMA, the partnership between Nepal Study Center of the University of New Mexico and the Kiva.org organization (www.kiva.org) has made it possible to bring Kiva.org program in Nepal. Patan Business and Professional Women group has partnered with Kiva.org. Numerous Nepali women business entrepreneurs' profiles have already gone online
Most of these business requests have already been funded by the well-wishers of Nepal from around the world. Kiva.org looksforward to partnering with more MFIs in Nepal.
Kiva.org partners with high quality MFIs that have a established history (at least 2-3 years) of lending to poor, excluded or vulnerable people with the goal of alleviating or reducing poverty. To learn more about partnering with Kiva, please send an e-mail to partnerships@kiva.org
Alok K. Bohara, PhD and Asawari RaoRane Agrawa
University of New Mexico and Microfinance Partnerships Manager,
Volunteer Translators Needed (Nepali to English) for Kiva's Nepal Projects |
If you are interested to help, please send an e-mail to
Ms. Naomi Baer <nepali@kiva.org>
Coordinator, Translation Department
www.Kiva.Org, San Franscisco
Kiran (Ron) Sitoula, SEBS-North America-member
Ashutosh Tiwari, Kathmandu, Nepal
Also, if you are interested to have your name listed here, please contact bohara@unm.edu
Becoming a member of the P2P global telemicrofinance community |
Watch this Frontline Video |
How to be a global Kiva lender?
Step 1: Choose a business The businesses on Kiva’s site are always changing. They are being uploaded by their microfinance partners around the world. You can find a new business on the home page or on the Businesses 'In Need' page.
Step 2: Make a loan When you have selected a business, you can make a loan using your credit card (via Pay Pal). You can loan as little as $25 at a time. Checking out is easy and safe because of PayPal.
Step 3: Receive journals and payments Periodically, you will hear back from the business you sponsor. Partner representatives (often loan officers) write directly to the website to keep you informed on the progress of the business. If you choose, you can receive these via email.
Step 4: Withdraw or re-loan When your Kiva loan is repaid, you can choose to withdraw your funds or re-loan to a new business. http://www.Kiva.org
How to become a Kiva's local microfinance partner?
»Local Microfinance organizations can fill out an application form to become a KIVA partner. Visit the following links:
»There is a list of requirements that a partnering agency in the host country (e.g., Nepal) must fulfill. (See the following link on kiva's website: Due Diligence.)
»Read the following information Field Partner Information Center for application process.
2180 Bryant Street Suite 106
San Francisco, CA 94110-2141
Ph:(415) 641-KIVA (5482)
You can also watch this video on PBS's site: Uganda: A Little Goes a Long Way
University of New Mexico Students Reach Out Through Kiva's P2P Microfinance
Professor Matias Fontenla, an economics faculty and a big fan of pro-poor programs and micro finance, conducted an experiment in his class by showing the Frontline Video to his Introductory Macroeconomics class. His students were fascinated by the concept and proposed funding some projects as a class. Students contributed $1-$5 to create an investment pool, went online and funded projects in Africa and Latin America. Within hours of the experiment the projects were completely funded and the class was sent an update of the project. It is this human face aspect of the P2P microfinancing program that is so simple and yet very powerful.
Please visit the following link and see how the UNM's Econ students made a difference for Grace Nyaga of Kenya by being one of the P2P micro lenders: Grace Nyaga of Kenya in need for funds to increase chicken stock, purchase feeds and medicine.
How Can I Help?
Be on the active volunteer group and help spread the P2P microfinance idea and encourage your friends and families to participate in this mechanism to empower a rural Nepali. Eventually, help spread this in other countries of South Asia.
Or simply lend your organizational supprt and name for this cause as shown below.
P2P Microfinance for Nepal volunteer group
Martin I. Ravin, Partner (Madison Partners, LLC NYC; NY and Denver, Colorado)
Sucheta Pyakuryal (graduate student, political science)
Kripa Upadhyay (graduate student, law )
Biswo Poudel (graduate student, economics, U. of California at Berkeley)
Dr. Matias Fontenla, (Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, UNM)
Mrs. Alini Subedi (Poland, MBBS)
Dr. Rabindra K. Shakya, Former Senior Economic Adviser, Ministry of Finance, Former Secretary, Government of Nepal
Individual and Organizational Supporters
Nepal Study Center at the University of New Mexico
Dr. Shankar Sharma (Former Vice-Chairman of the National Planning Commission of Nepal)
Dr. Bimal Koirala (Former Chief Secretary of Nepal)
Dr. Prakash C. Lohani (Former Finance Minister of Nepal)
Mr. Madhukar S. Rana
(Past President Rotary Jawalakhel;
Former Finance Minsiter;
Professor South Asian Institute of Management (SAIM))
Dr. Rabindra K. Shakya, Former Senior Economic Adviser, Ministry of Finance, Former Secretary, Government of Nepal
Association of Nepalese in Midwest America (ANMA), USA