A Policy Research Focus on the South-South Global Issues
( Nepal Study Center, University of New Mexico, USA)
The Nepal Study Center at the University of New Mexico is pleased to announce the 15th Annual Himalayan Policy Research Conference on October 15, 2020, in Madison, Wisconsin, to be held as a part of the 49th Annual Conference on South Asia (October 15-18, 2020).
The UW's South Asia venue: The Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wosconsin--Madison.
Please send a copy of your abstract to the
NSC Secretariat: nscsecretariat@gmail.com and copy to Thaneshwar Paneru: panerutp@unm.edu
Please send your queries if any to nscsecretariat@gmail.com
Abstract Submission Content:
1. Title of the paper
2. Authors’ names (including co-authors) , affiliations, email addresses
3. Email of corresponding author
4. Abstract (1-3 pages), including
4.1 Research question with some background,
4.2 Data and Statistical Methods used,
4.3 Results (if any at this stage).
Annual Conference on South Asia Registration Fee
Students: $ 110
Others: $220
For online registration click here (this registration will allow to attend the entire South Asian sessions)
Lunch will be buffet style for all conference attendees on Thrusday. Individuals will have to reserve their ticket online prior to conference. More details will be provided as we approach to the conference date.
After the conclusion of the conference, some participants go out for a group dinner in the evening to socialize and form network. Please RSVP to our secretariat if you are interested in joining. (self-pay)
Participants themselves are required to arrange for their air travel, hotel accommodations, and local transportation to and from the airport. All the necessary information including phone numbers and some valuable tips are provided below.
Conference Rooms: Capitol A (second floor), The Madison Concourse Hotel and Governor's Club.
Hotel accommodation and other Details:
Breakfast, and refreshments will be provided on the day of the conference. For hotel accommodation at a discount rate, please contact Madison Concourse Hotel. Participants also gather to do a group dinner in the evening (self pay).
Other nearby hotel and dorm accommodations within .5 to 1 mile:
Short term dorms and hostels: reasonable rates (as low as $15) and within the walking distance from the university area (1. Lowell Center/ Wisconsin Center Guest House / Lowell Hall, (608)256-2621 Guest House; wcgh@admin.uwex.edu; 2. Memorial Union Guest Rooms, (608)262-1583 *Guest Rooms Reservations; 3. Union South Guest Rooms (608)263-2600 Union South Info Desk / Corner Store; 4. Short Course Dorms / Humphrey and Jorns Hall / Agriculture Residence Halls; (608)262-2270 Office/Reservations; m.vance@cals.wisc.edu;
Great Deal / Madison Hostel (608)441-0144 Madison Hostel; madisonhostel@yahoo.com; Office Hours: 8-11am and 5-10pm. Tentative rates: Dorm room: female dorm 6 beds in a room $22/person/night, across the hall bath; Male dorm: 6 beds in a room $22/person/night, attached bath; co-ed room 6 beds in a room $22/person/night, attached bath; Private rooms: 1 room with two beds $58/person/night; 1 room with 1 full size bed $58/person/night; 1 room with 4 beds $22/person/night. Within walking distance from Concourse Hotel. Arriving at the Madison Hostel by Bus, by Car, or from the Airport: http://www.madisonhostel.org/find.shtml
Doubletree Hotel Madison, 525 W. Johnson Street, Madison, Wisconsin, USA 53703; Tel: +1-608-251-5511 Fax: +1-608-251-4824 (.5 miles away)
Best Western Inn on the Park: 22 S Carroll Street, Madison, Wisconsin, 53703-3309, US; Phone: 608-257-8811 Fax: 608-257-5995; ( 0.18 miles away)
Edgewater Hotel: 666 Wisconsin Avenue , Madison, WI;l 1-800-922-5512; (0.28 miles away)
Hilton Madison Monona Terrace, 9 East Wilson Street , Madison, WI;Tel: 608-255-5100 (0.35 miles away)
Holiday Inn Madison At The American Center, 5109 W TERRACE DRIVE MADISON, WI 53718 UNITED STATES
Hotel Front Desk: 1-608-2494220; Fax: 1-608-2494110 ( 0.44 miles away)
Hotel Ruby Marie, 524 E Wilson, Madison, Wisconsin (WI) 53703 Telephone: 608-327-7829 or Toll Free: 877-690-7829 Fax: 608-327-7833 (0.48 miles away)
Campus Inn and Chancellors Club, 601 Langdon Street; Madison, Wisconsin 53703; (608) 257-4391 (800) 589-6285; Fax (608) 257-2832; (0.53 miles away)
Hostelling International at Madison (Madison Hostel): HI-Madison; 141 S. Butler St.; Madison, WI 53703 (608) 441-0144; madisonhostel@yahoo.com; (Shared room: $23; Private room: $47 as of September 20, 2007); Two blocks from the Capitol.
Lowell Center / Wisconsin Center Guest House / Lowell Hall 610 Langdon St; Madison, WI 53703; (608)256-2621 Guest House; (608)262-5445 FAX; E-mail: wcgh@admin.uwex.edu; Overnight accommodations (single and double rooms) for people affiliated with the university, i.e., attending a conference or meeting sponsored by the state or university. Pool and sauna available for guests. 79 guest rooms available. Limited parking provided for guests. Can accommodate prospective UW students--must mention that they are a prospective student and what department they are visiting.
Travel Information: (Disclaimer: Use this information at your own risk and after verification.)
To arrive at Madison, the Dane County airport (MSN) is quite convenient, although, it can be somewhat more expensive.
If price is a concern, it may be cheaper to fly into either the Milwaukee Airport (MKE) or Chicago's O'Hare Airport (ORD). There is a bus from O'Hare to Madison that will stop right in front of the UW Memorial Union. Takes about three hours from O'Hare and costs about $25.00. We don't know about ground transportation from Milwaukee, although the distance is 75 miles. Here is the web site of the bus company that provides O'Hare to Madison service.
Local Transporation to and From the Airport
NSC conference does not provide any transportation to and from the airport. You should contact your own hotels or hostels and ask for the shuttle or the local bus schedule routing information.
Here is the web site for the main event venue Concourse Hotel: http://www.concoursehotel.com/. Their web site says they have a "free complimentary shuttle" for their hotel guests. The main hotel is generally booked in advance, so your best options would be to look for nearby accomodations (see above).
Those who are staying elsewhere should contact them directly to find out about the shuttle arrangements. Smaller lodges, hostels, university housing, and motels generally do not provide shuttle services. But Madison being a small university town, taking local buses and getting off near the nearby street intersections is not that inconvenient. Make sure to have some one dollar bills with you.
Bus ride: The Madison Metro provides bus service which connects the airport to downtown. The one way fare is $1.50 (exact change required). The airport stop is outside the baggage hall just beyond the taxi stand.
Cab Ride: You can also use a cab that may cost you about $17- $20 depending upon the traffic and the location of your hotel/hostel. There are cabs generally available outside the airport. Or you can use the courtsey phone at the airport to call Union Cab (601 242 2000).
(These prices are subject to change.)
Potential Travel Grant Sources:
We regret to inform you that the Nepal Study Center does not have any resources to cover your travel plans or the conference expenses. Some possible sources for funding could be as follows.
The Henry Luce Foundation Asia Project Grants: http://www.hluce.org/asia.aspx
Social Science Research Council: http://fellowships.ssrc.org/
Asia Society: http://www.asiasociety.org/visit/newyork.html
Society for South Asian Studies: http://www.britac.ac.uk/funding/index.cfm
(Disclaimer: These institutions have no formal arrangements with the NSC.)
Expanded Abstract (maximum 6 pages):
Conference Proceedings: The proceedings of that Conference are published in a special issue of the Himalayan Journal of Development and Democracy (HJDD). We encourage you to take a look at the HJDD journal site. The abstracts, the feedback from participants, and some of the photos and videos are also available there. Papers, Abstracts, and Proceedings of the Himalayan
Journal of Development and Democracy (HJDD):
After the conclusion of the conference, HJDD will publish a conference proceeding. You will be invited to submit an expanded version of the abstract for publication in the proceedings issue. Publication of your expanded abstract will not prevent you from submitting your work in other traditional journals. We also strongly encourage you to submit your preliminary draft version of your working papers for dissemination through the NSC's Himalayan Research Papers Archive.
For past proceedings issues, click here.
(Past issues of the proceedings can be searched on the UNM LoboVault or on the Himalayan Research Papers Archive)
FULL DRAFTS AS WORKING PAPERS: Himalayan Research Papers Archive
Uploading working papers: The full versions of the conference papers or any other research work can be uploaded on the UNM's open access e-repository: Himalayan Research Papers Archive. The UNM's LoboVault respository system goes out to several hundred universities and libraries all over the world. Although it is not a formal peer-reviewed outlet, an international editorial board manages the e-portal to maintain the quality of the papers.
You can follow a simple step to upload your working papers. For detail, please click here: Himalayan Research Papers Archive
If you have any trouble uploading your work, you can contact Dr. Prakash Adhikari (Assistant Professor, Central Michigan University), Himalayan Research Papers Archive (NSC-UNM) Production Editor: adhik1p@cmich.edu
(Search tips: either by author, title, or key words. For this year, searh by typing in "Himalayan Research Papers Archive, 2011 or 2012 etc.. "
In order to satisfy the LoboVault-UNM repository MetaData requirement set by our UNM's library Dspace coordinator, please follow the simple guideline:
1. Manuscripts should be typed in Times Roman fonts (12 points), double-spaced, on standard 8 1/2" x 11" formatting, using 1 inch margin on all sides. Use American spelling.
2. The front cover page should contain the following information: title of the paper, author's name, author's affiliation and current job title, and corresponding address and email.
3. The second page should include an abstract of no more than 150 words, and some key words on a separate line.
4. The third page should begin with the main text of the manuscript. This page should also have the title at the top, but no author's name.
5. The References should be presented at the end of the manuscript in an alphabetical order. Do not number the references.
6. Right before the references, all the endnotes should appear numbered as 1. 2. 3. ... under the title Notes. So, avoid putting footnotes on each page.
7. If applicable, appropriately numbered tables and charts should also be provided at the end of the manuscripts rather than in the main body of the text. Do not cut and paste tables from excel or any other statistical software. That is, you must create a table in word. Avoid using the vertical line in a table.
Papers submitted without following the above manuscript guidelines will not be considered for publication.
Please check back for recent uploads.
Association for Himalayan Policy Research:
One of the goals of the annual HPR conference is to form an Association for Himalayan Policy Research and obtain a membership of the Allied Social Science Associations which conducts annually the largest of such conferences in the U.S. For this purpose, Nepal Study Center has prepared NSCPolicyResearch-L, a list of people conducting policy research in related fields. If you are a research scholar but not yet a member of this group, we encourage you to sign up for the listserve and contribute to forming the Association. For further details about the whole SA conference, please check the University of Wisconsin's South Asian Conference Website. There are three ways to get the conference work published and disseminated through the NSC's resources --conference proceedings (short expanded abstract), working papers series (full working papers), and/or NSC's peer-reviewed journal HJDD:
1) Proceeding of the expanded abstracts (maximum 6 pages) in the Himalayan Journal Developnent and Democracy (HJDD). This is mandatory for all conference participants. The proceeding publication does not prevent you from submitting it to other journals. (see above for guidelines)
2) Uploading preliminary working papers (full draft) in NSC's Himalayan Research Papers Archive. Strongly recommended to get the preliminary work disseminated through the working papers series. Posting on the archive does not prevent you from submitting it for journal publication. (see below for format and other guidelines)
3) Subbmitting a final revised version for peer-reviewed process for possible publication in HJDD.
(This is our ongoing effort.)