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The Nepal Study Center (NSC), a non-profit organization housed in the UNM Department of Economics, is dedicated to studying the policy-centered issues in the member countries of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), with a sharper focus on the Himalayan region.

Scholars studying the issues pertinent to the SAARC region are dispersed throughout the globe, facilitated by globalization, or relative poverty or civil conflict in their home countries. The emergence of two of the fastest growing economies in the world, India and China, has also renewed the research interest of non-Asian scholars on the region.

The e-journal, Himalayan Journal of Development and Democracy (HJDD), provides a rigorous academic platform to promote exchanges of high quality research among the scholars who are engaged in policy oriented analysis on the Himalayan region. This furthers our broader goal of connecting Himalayan scholars worldwide.


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