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Manuscript Submission Guidelines for HJDD

HJDD invites four categories of material.

  • Research Papers are more extensive 8,000-10,000-word pieces of analysis.
  • Research Notes are 2,000-4,000-word pieces.
  • Book Reviews are 1,000-2,000-word discussions of new books.
  • Comments represent feedback on material that has been published in previous issues.

Manuscripts should be submitted as word attachment. 

Mailing Address

Manuscripts should be submitted as word attachments.  Please email materials to Editor Professor Alok K. Bohara,, 505-277-5903, Department of Economics, University of New Mexico (UNM).

Format and Style of Manuscript

We encourage the prospective authors to examine the previously published materials in our journal for style guidelines (abstract, references, footnotes, headers, tables, charts). A set of preliminary instructions is given below.

1. Manuscripts should be typed in Times Roman fonts (12 points), double-spaced, on standard 8 1/2" x 11" formatting, using 1 inch margin on all sides. Use American spelling.

2. The front cover page should contain the following information: title of the paper, author's name, and date.

3. Authors' affiliation and current job title should be presented as a footnote at the bottom of the cover page along with the necessary acknowledgement and corressponding address and email .

4. The second page should include an abstract of 100 words, and some key words on a separate line.

5. The third page should begin with the main text of the manuscript. This page should also have the title at the top, but no author's name. This allows us to expediate our blind reviewing process.

6. The References should be presented at the end of the manuscript in an alphabetical order. Do not number the references.

Books need to be cited as follows:
Yates, D. (1982). Bureaucratic Democracy: The Search for Democracy and Efficiency in American Government. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.

Journal articles should be cited as follows:
Bertelli, A.M. and L.E. Lynn (2003). "Managerial Responsibility." Public Administration Review, 63(3):259-268.

A reference in the text could be cited in various ways:

According to Douglas Yates (1982, p. 151), the state can weild power to....
...that links policymaking to the democratic popular will (Bertelli and Lynn, 1998).
... and magnitude of substantive delegations (e.g., Bawn, 1995; Epstein and O'Halloran, 1995, 1999).

7. Right before the references, all the endnotes should appear numbered as 1. 2. 3. ...under the title Notes . So, avoid putting footnotes on each page.

9. If applicable, appropriately numbered tables and charts should also be provided at the end of the manuscripts rather than in the main body of the text. Do not cut and paste tables from the excel or any other statistical software. That is, you must create a table in word. Avoid using the vertical line in a table.

The tables containing titles should be numbered as Table 1. Table 2., whereas the figures and charts should be numbered as Figure 1. Figure 2. Do not use any verticle lines while constructing tables. Titles for tables should appear at the top of the tables, but the figure numbering and figure titles should be given at the bottom of the figures and charts.

10. Do not insert any clipart or box inside the text, and do not use any color. Please use plain text while typing the manuscript.

Format for Revise and Resubmission

When you submit your revised manuscript, you should also submit a cover letter explaining how you addressed the reviewer's points --comment by comment-- by citing the page number, footnote number, and paragraph location where you have made the changes. For example, a portion of your cover letter to the editor may contain:

Referee # 1, comment #1:
"I found the results of the model with GR and VFG interesting. However those results are not well integrated into the text."

Author's response:
The reviewer's comment has been addressed on page 13 (second paragraph) with the line that begins with "The negative effect of GR could be intrepreted as ...." A foot number 5 at the end of the manuscript has also been added to further clarify the seemingly contradictory effect of GR by citing two other similar findings in the literature.

Referee #1, comment #2:
[Referee's comment reproduced.]

Autho';s response:
[Author's explanation.]



We normally do not accept already published articles, and no article accepted for publication will be published elsewhere simultaneously in any form without our knowledge.  An excerpt or a survey article based on a new book may be considered for publication.

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