Nepal Study Center (NSC) at the University of New Mexico conducts research, undertakes collaborative projects to promote research and education, and runs annual policy research conference, among other things. The aim is to help understand the underlying issues in development, democracy, conflict, and the environment as they relate to the Himalayan region and the countries in South Asia. Development is broadly defined to include health, education, environment, natural resource management, governance, equity, information technology, poverty, socio-economic strifes, and micro and macro economic activities.
To that end, it has developed an e-conference portal to conduct seminars on the internet within a structured environment. The idea is to bring scholars and interested participants from all over the world to a common platform for an informed deliberation. The first e-seminar was conducted by the Liberal Democracy Nepal (LDN): e-Seminar No 1 2007 in collaboration with the NSC using this portal.
The e-seminar topics need to have a broader policy implication, and the issue sould be dealt in a thematically deep and rigorous manner. NSC expects scholars and experts involved in the e-seminar to 1) lead the discussion, 2) moderate and edit deliberations, and 3) be involved in the prepartion of the proceeding.
A typical e-seminar can last for about 2 to 4 weeks, and the final output is published as a proceeding in one of the two journals of the NSC. A basic structure and the ground rules are given below.
E-seminar guidelines for collaborators, contributors, and moderators (an example).
A Middle Ground Deliberation to End Political Crisis in Nepal, February 2005 - April 2005
An informal email exchange among a group of members of the Nepali diaspora evolved into a paper drafting exercise. The deliberation lasted for two months before Mr. Koirala and Dr. Pahari volunteered to compile the MG paper with contributions from many other members. Disclaimer: NSC helped disseminate the output of this e-seminar through its e-journal LDNB. The proceeding is posted on the e-journal's Dspace repository.
A Middle Ground Deliberation to End Political Crisis in Nepal, Liberal Democracy Nepal Bulletin, February 2005 - April 2005
Washington DC Workshop: 2005 |
Workshop on Opportunities and Challenges for Nepali Political Parties, Washington, D.C., 22-23 October 2005
A workshop on Opportunities and Challenges for Nepali Political Parties was conducted in Washington, D.C. by Liberal Democracy Nepal (LDN) on October 22-23, 2005.
The workshop was attended by the representatives of six political parties (Nepali Congress, Communist Party of Nepal UML, Nepali congress – Democratic, Rastriya Prajatantra Party, Jana Morcha Nepal, Nepal Sadbhavana Party (A)). In addition to the delegates of the six political parties, prominent Nepali human rights activist Mr. Padma Ratna Tuladhar was also in attendance.
NDI/LDN Program Invitation
Press Release
News Coverage: Nepalnews
Comments: I am writing this to thank the organizers of the Washington workshop for organizing the event and producing an outcome, which will strengthen the cause of democracy in Nepal: Dr. Ram S. Mahat, Co-General Secretary, Nepali Congress (more).
Download: Proceedings of the Workshop