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e-Seminar No 1, 2007
Organized by LDN in Collaboration with the Nepal Study Center

E-Seminar No 1, 2007: The State's Role in Private Sector Development in New Nepal
(February 15- February 28)

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E-Seminar No 1, 2007 Announcement, Timeline, and Theme
(February 15 – February 28)

Call for Participation: E-Seminar No 1, 2007

The State's Role in Private Sector Development in New Nepal

Dear friends,

We are pleased to inform you of an e-seminar that Liberal Democracy Nepal is organizing in collaboration with Nepal Study Center at the University of New Mexico. The seminar topic is "The State's Role in Private Sector Development in New Nepal." We believe that the issue of private sector development is pertinent to the success and sustainability of Nepal's peace, prosperity and democracy. However, the e-seminar itself will focus primarily on technical issues which have direct implications for the development of a sound private sector development in Nepal.

The first of its kind for LDN/NSC, the seminar starts with paper presentation on the e-seminar website.  The designated discussants will send their comments within two weeks. By February 15, the paper and the comments will be available for public viewing and for comments and questions from all. Since you are engaged in some form or another with the development of Nepal, we invite you to send your name and email as an interested participant if you would like to raise a question to the author or others, or make a comment on the paper itself or on ensuing discussion. Your name and email should be sent to Bishal KC: or to any of us, preferably by February 10. They will be entered in a temporary listserv LDNeSeminar12007. Your email will not be made public and the listserv used for the e-seminar will be disabled upon the completion of the seminar. Your participation is, of course, completely voluntary.

The paper, and the discussions and comments will appear later in a special edition of the e-journal Liberal Democracy Nepal Bulletin.

For further details, please see the attached program outline.  We look forward to your continued support.

On behalf of the LDN members and friends,

Sincerely Yours,
Alok K. Bohara, University of New Mexico
Mallika Shaky, London School of Economics
Vijaya R. Sharma, University of Colorado
Mukti Upadhyay, Eastern Illinois University

Collaborating Partners

This is a first of its kind e-seminar organized for the Liberal Democracy Nepal (LDN) in collaboration with the Nepal Study Center at the University of New Mexico. Liberal Democracy Nepal (LDN) is dedicated to disseminating and discussing the full range of political economy issues and ideas germane to the ideal of creating liberal democracy in Nepal. LDN is an affiliate of Nepal Study Center at the University of New Mexico, USA.

E-Seminar Timeline

The seminar starts with a paper authored by Ms. Mallika Shakya of London School Economics. Within two weeks, the designated discussants will send their comments. By February 15, the paper and the comments will be available for public viewing and for comments and questions from all. The e-seminar ends on February 28th. Those interested in participating as a part of the e-audience in the listserv will have to send you name and email by February 10 (see below for details).

The paper and the discussions and comments will appear later in a special edition of the e-journal Liberal Democracy Nepal Bulletin.

How do I participate?

You can participate in the e-seminar in various ways.

1) You can send your name and email as an interested participant if you would like to raise a question, or make comments on the paper itself or on ensuing discussion. Your email, which will not be made public, and your name should be sent to Bishal KC:, preferably by February 10. It will be entered in a temporary listserv which will be deactivated upon completion of the seminar, on February 28. Your participation within the e-seminar listserv deliberation is completely voluntary. Your substantial contribution and thoughtful writing could be displayed on the web with some editing if necessary (see: Access to Papers, Comments, & Deliberations)

2) Alternatively, you can check the seminar display board periodically and send your question and/or contribution to the moderator through a simple submission mechanism (see: Access to Papers, Comments, & Deliberations) .

E-seminar Theme

We believe that the issue of private sector development is pertinent for success and sustainability of Nepal's peace, prosperity and democracy. However, the e-seminar itself will focus primarily on technical issues which have direct implications for development of a sound private sector development in Nepal.

Abstract: Nepal is at the outset of a historic political transformation which will call for a radical change in the governance structure. Domestically, we have witnessed a call for greater social and gender inclusion. Internationally, we are only only beginning to appreciate the rapidly unfolding Shining India and Roaring China phenomena. What will this mean for the industrial policies and institutions in New Nepal?

Institutionally, which regulatory procedures, institutions and policies can and should adapt to the new demands of domestic populism and international marketism? Sectorally, what should be the new State policy towards the 'old' giants of agriculture vis-a-vis newly evolving sectors of services and manufacturing? As the State undergoes a national reconstruction process, what role should the private sector play in the tall order of infrastructure-building and global integration? And is there a politico-economic nexus in private sector development?

by Mallika Shakya,
London School of Economics

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