E-Seminar No1, 2007:
The State's Role in Private Sector Development in New Nepal
(February 15 - February 28)
Panelists and Coordinators
Seminar Moderators
Ms. Mallika Shakya is PhD candidate with London School of Economics (LSE) and her thesis examines the role of cultural capital in overcoming political and policy crises that have lately hindered Nepal's modern industries. She is currently with the World Bank, where she has led public-private dialogues on trade, industrial innovation, and gender. |
Vijaya R. Sharma, Ph.D., Faculty in the Economics Department of University of Colorado, worked from 1975 to 1990 in the field of industrial sector policy, planning, and programs in Nepal and was an active member of the task force to prepare the Seventh Five-Year Industrial Development Plan and the 1987, Industrial Policy. |
Ms. Mallika Shakya is PhD candidate with London School of Economics (LSE) and her thesis examines the role of cultural capital in overcoming political and policy crises that have lately hindered Nepal's modern industries. She is currently with the World Bank, where she has led public-private dialogues on trade, industrial innovation, and gender. |
Designated Discussants
Dr. Bhola Chalise is the Chairman, Board of Directors of Rastriya Banijya Bank, the largest commercial bank in Nepal. He is a former government permanent secretary and holds his PhD from University of Vienna, Austria. |
Mr. Krishna Gyawali is a Joint Secretary at the Public Enterprises Management Division in the Ministry of Finance. Mr Gyawali has spent over two decades in Nepal Civil Service, bringing with him deep insight into the dynamics and paradoxes of its policy paraphernalia. Trained as a public administrator and development manager, he was recently at the Michigan State University as a Hubert Humphrey Fellow. He has worked as a consultant with the World Bank's Finance and PSD Unit/South Asia region, and has spent some time with the UN missions in Cambodia, South Asia, East Timor and Kosovo as a volunteer and also with BBC London as a radio journalist. |
Mr. Sujeev Shakya is the President of Tara Management Private Limited, an investment and management company that manages diversified portfolio of businesses along with Bhote Koshi Power Company, Nepal’s first Independent Power Producer and Surya Fund, Nepal’s first private equity fund. |
Dr. Vijaya R. Sharma., Faculty in the Economics Department of University of Colorado, worked from 1975 to 1990 in the field of industrial sector policy, planning, and programs in Nepal and was an active member of the task force to prepare the Seventh Five-Year Industrial Development Plan and the 1987, Industrial Policy. |
Mr. Prachand Man Shrestha is Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Industry Commerce and Supplies, and has 32 years long Civil Service experience in the government of Nepal. He is involved in coordinating, preparing and negotiating for issues at WTO. With Degree of Masters in Commerce, and Bachelor of Law, he was Humphrey Fellow specializing on International Development and Tourism during 1993-94. He has chaired and presented technical papers in national and international forums on issues relating to Trade, Tourism, Investment, Poverty, and Globalization. He has led High-level Nepalese delegations to different countries, and involved in Research Studies and Task Forces in designing plans, programs, strategy, and policies on Trade and Tourism. |
Mr. Jagadish Upadhyay is an independent consultant on development programs, currently focusing on public health. He is a former official of Nepal's Planning Commission (1962-1971) and of the World Bank (1971-2003). |
Dr. Mukti Upadhyay is an associate professor of economics at Eastern Illinois
University. He specializes in development economics with a focus on macro and
international aspects of development. |
Advisory Support
Dr. Alok K. Bohara is a professor of economics at the University of New Mexico (UNM), and the founder of the Nepal Study Center at UNM. His research focus is in the areas of environment and development and their relationships with poverty and conflict. His is currently interested in looking at the ways of using the information communication technology (ICT) to alleviate poverty (health, education, and the environment). He is interested in undertaking initiatives to foster global scholarly connectivity to promote interactions among the scholars with policy research interest on the Himalayan region. |
Technical and Production Support
Mr. Prakash Adhikari is a doctoral student in political science at the University of New Mexico. |
Mr. Bishal K.C. is a computer science professional and resides in Washington DC.. |
List of the E-Seminar Participants